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Thursday, November 11, 2010 // 12:01 PM
0 mLs of sputum

I am such a conformist =/ Goodbye Blogger...

**But now I can have 'suwii' without three i's!!

The Last Exam
Monday, November 08, 2010 // 6:02 PM
0 mLs of sputum

I can't imagine how I'll be feeling this time tomorrow. Will it be anti-climatic like previously, sadness 'cos there's not much hope I did well or pure joy and relief for finishing? I'm trying to avoid the fact that tomorrow's 40-min patient contact is a culmination of four years of hard work. I'm not worried about the two examiners (internal & external)...I'm going to have only one concern and that is the patient's health. And I'm going to help them. Keeping it simple. Having said that, part of me wants to DO THIS and prove it to everyone...I want to leave Austin on a good note and be proud of what I've achieved - there've been some pretty bad memories within those walls, but that counts for nothing tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

Four memories
Friday, November 05, 2010 // 8:58 PM
0 mLs of sputum


i. Snorkelling in the South Pacific ocean, seeing the coral, Nemos - then that amazing drop-off to dark blue abyss

ii. When our house was burgled

iii. The disappointment at coming second in state for T-ball - yeah. Utter devastation

iv. The first patient.

Day Six
Wednesday, November 03, 2010 // 2:41 PM
0 mLs of sputum


1) Sandyrad + Parents
2) Internet & iSUS
3) H20
4) Foods
5) Warmth

So went in to IELTS this morning and halarioussssss middle-aged women trying to set me up with the other young clerical marker! The two of them left me in the room for a 'comfort break' so that I was in the room together with him and raised eyebrows. Plus before he came they said they would attend the wedding, but then Jodie said she is setting me up with her nephew who is also doing physio. Then she said my name would be Su Wen Sargeant. Then I said how about Sgt Su Wen? Lollerskates. Good times.

Six songs
Monday, November 01, 2010 // 9:16 PM
0 mLs of sputum


a. The Temper Trap - Love Lost
b. Little Red - Rock It
c. 30 Seconds to Mars - Closer To The Edge
d. Evermore - Light Surrounding You
e. Enrique Iglesias feat. Nicole Scherzinger - Heartbeat
f. Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are

Times are a'changin
Sunday, October 31, 2010 // 6:47 PM
1 mLs of sputum

It's October 31st. Nearly November. Nearly the end of 2010! By the end of the year there are some important people leaving - they have all added something special to my life and I will be sad to see them go. In no particular order...


I never really got to know you until about second year - my first impression was "that smart guy" haha but so true 'cos on scholarship and already has job set up! You are always there for a chat and I feel like I can talk to you about just about anything. I will miss the SAIGON times and the times I have to dodge around your head to see the lecturer. Plus frustrating times when we couldn't get the boat rowing! Have fun in Singapore and I will see you soon :)


Tara - we've shared some pretty awesome times, of course, Vanuatu is something I will never forget and thanks you came along! You're always there if we need to talk and laugh at my lame jokes! Thank you for teaching me snorkelling - it was so awesome finding Nemo! I think you are an amazingly strong person as well going through the tough times you have in recent years, and I definitely can learn from you! Not fair you'll be in Queensland!


To the Indonesian: you are a little, great buddy to have! In fact, you are one of the nicest guys I have ever met and are always there if need to talk about anything! You are also one cheeky bugger :P Ahem. What I will really miss (if you don't get your stupid green card extended) are those 903 times we had last year - those somewhat deep talks about life and stuff. I'll miss your jokes, laughter and IMMATURE pokes haha! And please don't get an American accent...


Toronto-bound with a one-way ticket. Yen I'm going to miss you HEAPS! But I know that you have waited for this for an eternity so I am SO glad you have this opportunity finally to be reunited. Make the most of your time there and make whatever commitment you have to that you feel is right for yourself :) Will be waiting for the day you get back here


There is no photo of us but I will make an effort to somehow get one with you by year's end! You have made clerical marking all that more exciting and half the reason why I turn up to work on Saturdays! I enjoy the times I can talk about physiotherapy because you are also a fellow allied health worker - OT FTW! I'm sure you will have a fun time in Queensland and I hope we can bump into each other someday...thanks for being a funny one the last year or so!

"It's gonna be tough to say goodbye, it always is, nobody loves change, but part of life is learning to let things go"


i) Losing the people closest to me
ii) Being struck by lightning
iii) Suffering any kind of psychological disorder when older
iv) Walking down Hosken St at night!
v) Suffering a SCI and not being able to walk again
vi) Fear of anacondas
vii) Going skydiving and the parachute doesn't open...

Day Three
Saturday, October 30, 2010 // 6:24 PM
1 mLs of sputum


1. People who treat me like FOB. End of story.
2. People who don't practise what they preach. Yeah.
3. Random telemarketing people calling from overseas grrr
4. When Miffy growls and doesn't want me to pat her :(
5. When people call me Su = worst <___<
6. When it's 10 mins before an exam and everyone's studying and keeps talking about stuff
7. Getting mouth ulcers
8. Water bottle runs out of water and can't immediately top-up

Day Two
Friday, October 29, 2010 // 4:14 PM
1 mLs of sputum


1. Wake up in the morning (feeling like P. Diddy)


3. Eat

4. Shower (though actually missed y'day = dirtyyy & smellyy)

5. Toiletting

6. Look at my Europe itinerary sitting on the desk

7. Google

8. Check hotmail

9. Sleep :D

The one with the loud laugh


I am nearly graduated with a B. Physio. I have a mole on my right cheek. I'm way too excited to board the A380 to Europe. I made a boys team mixed. I was somewhat black after a month in Vanuatu. I have a grey rabbit. I enjoy cycling, facebook and snacks. I really want to see the Hounslow Harriets. I currently drive a Honda Civic named Taz. I like smiles and laughter.

123 TO A380.
And 63 IELTS!

scream out

you're on your way

= Adrin
= Arman
= Benedict
= Catherine // Tumblr
= Clayton
= Connie
= Jasmin
= Josephine
= Li
= Li-yen
= Sarah // Tumblr
= Veronica

how's it look

Feb '10-Oct '10 Nov '09-Feb '10

gone with the wind

November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010

take a bow
