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A Day at IELTS
Saturday, January 23, 2010 // 4:54 PM
6 mLs of sputum

0645hrsAlarm goes off. Oh man...it's dark and it's chilly - sif I'm working today - I'm gonna sleep a bit longer...
0650hrsOk I'm awake. I'm up. I get ready - eat some Weetbix - leave note for Mum to return 'The Ugly Truth' today.
0715hrsI leave by the back door and say 'hi' to Miffy. She's happy to see me. But I'll let Dad feed her later...it's too early.
0725hrsI'm on the road - there's a detour at Burwood Hwy/Elgar Rd intersection FYI
0726hrsArrive on time. Meet today's staff - excited to see Carrie, Sarah, Cheryl, Jodie & Maggie - they all give me huggles (Y) (AND kisses - AHHH!) I put on my new IELTS lanyard - it's bright red. I want to keep it, but Jodie says we can't. Sadface. Jodie asks me how was my trip. I said it was good and I'd go back. We talk about my final year and she says "back to the coalmines eh?" Totes. Jodie is a qualified OT (Y).
0730hrsSarah starts her typical pre-exam speech - wishes us a Happy New Year because yes, this is the first exam for the year!
0740hrsSetting up the room and what?! Wrong desk labels given to us pfftt - manage to swap with Maggie's room. Plus had to do a bit of furniture arranging as room was not set-up how it should have been.
0800hrsRegistration commences alongside my fellow worker Jun Li. Amanda arrives on time to help out.
0850hrsReady to start. Forty-two FOBS looking at me (With about two Indians) Or make that forty-three as Jun Li is clearly a fob. Uncomfortable, much?
0900hrsDude complains he is sitting too close to the doorway and will be distracted by people going to the toilet. Deal with it!
0915hrsListening test has started. Man I'm sleepy...
1030hrsReading test - now I can have my break - Nom nom nom muesli bar...Now I'm writing a draft of what I am now typing :P That bored.
1100hrsWriting test starts - we're on the home stretch now...Amanda and I trade looks - we are both gone.
1115hrsHey look, it's raining outside...
1130hrsDoing a few lower back rotation exercises - bit stiff down there
1200hrsWritten stuff has ENDED! Woohoo. Now for some lunch - but wait I go to toilet and camwhore first.
1215hrsAfter much camwhoring in the toilet, I'm back at the staffroom. Discussion involves our ex-boss resigning from her recent job, my Vanuatu trip, meeting on Feb 1st and how IDP sucks.
1300hrsOh hey, it's Tara. Such excitement.
1400hrsNeed a neck massage desperately!
1500hrsCheryl cannot stop making me laugh. She's talking about how she likes tennis. But moreso "back in the day" (I suggest 20 years, she scoffs and says 10 years), she picked up a hawt Swedish tennis player at the Open. LOL. A "bronze body" apparently. She was at the tennis with her then teenage daughter. This coming from a thereabouts menopausal overweight short-haired lady with glasses.
1550hrsFinished marking. Time to sign off my time sheet so I get paid.
1555hrsEnjoying chatting to Carrie & Sarah. I ask how Carrie's going since she went through a divorce last year - she says she's going to try take up a Cert IV course and still live at home with her mum 'cos she still hasn't finalised financial and property settlements. She's in her 40s. One word. Messy. Sigh.
1600hrsOn the road back home. WHY is this wagon driving so slowly...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 // 9:19 PM
2 mLs of sputum

This amuses me.
My pout

0 mLs of sputum

It's been a fairly packed week or so IMO what with 21sts, Australian Open tennis, Temper Trap, double dating, late night eateries and such. So much so I haven't really had time to be a bum and then get bored of actual holidays. And also realise I have less than two weeks of summer holidays before my final year as a physiotherapy student starts. Though perhaps more than ever I am excited about these 5 weeks at uni before placements 'cos uni > placements. Working life does kinda suck. Though speaking about working - back at IELTS this Sat which is somewhat exciting. I'm not sure how I'm gonna wake up at 6.45am when everyday the past few weeks I've been sleeping in till about 12. Ha! I desperately need the $$$ though...

In other news, I'm still in love with Vagus, the name of my lappie, given by some nana guy. Anagrams are the way to the heart, so well done :) *Applaud*

Friday, January 15, 2010 // 2:34 PM
1 mLs of sputum

I think uni friends are officially crazy. Well, Mel is. I didn't think her voice could go any higher but it actually can when she's had a few drinks of Soho/Vodka. And her squeals are on a different scale. Plus Taboo is AWESOME. I'll let the photos do the talking now.

Hello Asus
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 // 9:39 PM
5 mLs of sputum

So I'm typing this from my awesome, new, smexy Asus U50VG sitting in front of the TV with 'Love Lost' blazing away. I'm liking this life :) So got it for $999 when just a week before it was $1199! MSY is cheap D: Should I name it and if yes, what name?

Cat quiz
Thursday, January 07, 2010 // 8:18 PM
1 mLs of sputum

If you married the last person that texted you what would your last name be?
LIM. Ha..that would kinda fit my name.

Do you know anyone named Molly?
Actually think I do..North Shore days?

What smiley face do you use often?
Either XD, :D or :)

Honestly, have you ever eaten raw cookie dough?
Yeah think so...

Who’s texted you in the past 24 hours?
Mel, Sar, Ko, Li

Who were you with Saturday night?
Erm would not like to reflect too much on it. Was with Amy

What is bothering you?
Waiting for laptop to arrive. My inability to complete global assignment. Late acceptance of global scholarship.

What’s your favorite kind of ice cream?

Are any of your friends taller than you?
CAT CHEAH to name one.

Spell your name without an L.
Su-Wen. Boring.

Do you like hugs?
YES <3

What are you listening to right now?
James Blunt - 1973 o.O

Who’s the last person you talked to on the phone?
My bro

When was the last time you were told you were cute?
Erm last year? Random-ex-primary-schooler-on-facebook or Li ha!

Does anyone know your password besides you?
Don't think so

Feel like talking to someone you haven’t in a while?
Yep :D

Who was the first person you talked to today?
Mummy Ng

Has anyone ever sang to you?

Has anybody ever told you that you have pretty eyes?
Nah mate

How was your weekend?
Unfortunately average.

Are you a mean person?
AM I? Meanie poo

Will you be up before seven am tomorrow?

What is something you disliked about your day?
That I didn't do a whole much in it. Apart from driving to BH

Do you want your tongue pierced?
Definitely not

How late did you stay up last night?
I must say 1:30AM *applauds*

Which would be more meaningful to you: I love you a lot or I love you so much?
? Don't they indirectly mean the same kinda thing...

When you’re home alone do you still close the door when you shower?

Can you remember the last time you really liked someone?
Yes, I can remember

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
Yes I believe so

Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
YES. Can't go wrong with Hilton South Wharf..or can you?

What were you doing at 10 last night?

Were you in a good mood last night?
I was :)

When was the last picture you took?
Just last night

What did you do today?
- Watched tennis
- Drove to BH to order laptop
- Fed Miffy
- Internet

Would you ever dye your hair red?
Yeah maybe

What are you doing for Valentines Day?
It's a Sunday so um sleeping in :)

Do you consider yourself a study freak?
Not freak :P But I do study. XD

The New Year
Monday, January 04, 2010 // 6:20 PM
1 mLs of sputum

So 2010 hasn't exactly started off wildly. I wish I could go back and relive the 2nd January a bit differently :P But watching cricket and tennis (more so to catch a glimpse of AS in the crowd) at home and lazying around with Miffy is OK by me 'cos I know I'll miss that come February 1st.

Plus, searching for a laptop to buy :) Liking this one for $1,199 with free mouse & carry case?

Might chuck in some new year resolutions whilst I'm at it:
i) To finish the year as a qualified physiotherapist
ii) To put into practice what I learnt overseas into this year
iii) To keep my close friends close
iv) To find boy interest(s)
v) Get a bit more active
vi) Get on MSN a bit more

And I shall end with this from Mother Ng: "Well you won't have any friends anymore, 'cos they're all dating." Ahem. Friends - don't entirely ditch me...entirely. ;)

The one with the loud laugh


I am nearly graduated with a B. Physio. I have a mole on my right cheek. I'm way too excited to board the A380 to Europe. I made a boys team mixed. I was somewhat black after a month in Vanuatu. I have a grey rabbit. I enjoy cycling, facebook and snacks. I really want to see the Hounslow Harriets. I currently drive a Honda Civic named Taz. I like smiles and laughter.

123 TO A380.
And 63 IELTS!

scream out

you're on your way

= Adrin
= Arman
= Benedict
= Catherine // Tumblr
= Clayton
= Connie
= Jasmin
= Josephine
= Li
= Li-yen
= Sarah // Tumblr
= Veronica

how's it look

Feb '10-Oct '10 Nov '09-Feb '10

gone with the wind

November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010

take a bow
